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What you should know about brake maintenance?

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What you should know about brake maintenance? Empty What you should know about brake maintenance?

Post  vvdibmw Thu May 08, 2014 3:15 am
It is easy for car owners to use Super VAG K+CAN V4.6 to have airbag reset or diagnose AUDI, VW, Skoda and Seat. Apart from using tools to have car maintained, there are four tips you should know about maintenance on brake.

First tip: Be sure the brake fluid in your vehicles and its level is suitable. Check the situation of brake fluid, if it is with milky color which means the fluid is infiltrated with water or contaminated, it is time to replace brake fluid. If not, contaminated brake fluid will not only destroy your master cylinder in the brake system, but also deteriorates your wheel cylinders.

Secondly, add new fluid in your master cylinder. You must bleed your brake lines in order to get all of the air out of them.

Thirdly, pump the brake 3-4 times. Open the bleeder valve and air will escape. When the brake fluid is flowing through the bleeder valve, close the bleeder valve. Repeat on the other 3 wheels.

Finally, inspect the brake pads and rotors by taking the tire off. If you could not see many pads, it is time to change brake pads.

All in all, this is the manual maintenance on vehicles parts; you also can use some other VAG Diagnostic Tools to maintain vehicles.

What you should know about brake maintenance? Super-11


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Join date : 2013-11-10

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